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Sunday, July 8, 2007


well here is a simple thing-

There was no venue in india for the concerts for the changing climate.Why was this?

it can't be for the reason we don't add to it,we are after all such a large country.Then why?

Don't we know more about music? Isn't our music one of the most inspiring forms which we have built the nation upon?Hasn't music been the sine-qua-non ,that has maintained the balance between everything.Whatever maybe the problem,who ever rules there has always been music.

Music and dance and celebration form a very big part of the indian culture.They have inspired generation s upon gen-next.They have been the life line,to the depressed ,they have been the solvents for all the anomalies.They have helped portray the country's united face ,under any condition and always.I remember reading in one of Nehru's books( about a couple of years back,i haven't found time to complete them) where he talks about the voices which go towards the Allahabad sangamam.We have corrupted chiefs,religious heads and what not,but religiously people preserve their traditions(well,i know now there is no use,for the rivers are either dry or polluted).

Then why wasn't India chosen?

Does the world feel that we don't have the spirit? or is that our music is too devotional and can't sing for the sake of humans?

I feel many people are sending the wrong message about the Indian identity.While i like all types of music,hearing the traditional karnatic music,really is the most pleasing to the ears.
Shouldn't we take it upon ourselves to bring up the music?Of course,you need to be more patient in learning Indian music,as it takes a lot of time for to come up to the stage and for arangatram to take place and also for the people in the hustle and bustle it may be too slow.

But i still can't find the reason for my country not being included.

whats up?


Harsha said...

A topic like this deserves an explosive treatment to say the least. A little too long, person loses interest halfway because after a fairly reasonable start.

Hip Grandma said...

In these days of lobbying we Indians are the worst.Ww readily accept anything that is foreign as the best.We lack confidence and deserve to be ignored.Having said that I also wish to add that without pushing ourselves hard and trying to impress our music and yoga is becoming increasingly popular in the west.My daughter's music teacher has a foreigner learning to play carnatic music and thyagaraja's kritis in a guitar.He is doing a good job of it.I was being harsh on myself and my countrymen.We are not that bad afterall.

Vishesh said...

ha,yes abt that...yes people are taking to our music and our things...the reason is simple it has a effect